Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bigfoot's Playground Rules

I find that the largest of groups where Bigfoot interest is topic have certain stipulations that hinder members from allowing their Bigfoot thought process to roam free. I know what you're thinking. The fantastical sort of roaming. The kind that leads to Bigfoot being every type of being imaginable. Actually, that isn't wasn't what I'm talking about. Free roaming to the extent of invisible but just a notch before non existent are these group's business in some cases. 

Even not so large groups that conduct serious, scientific discussion sometimes have the same cut off. 

I'm looking for something more and I'm afraid I won't be finding it. I'm not at a level of understanding that ushers me to the front of the line. It's quite opposite. I've found that all of my previous understandings and free roaming thoughts on the subject have been deemed null and void. I'm fine with starting over, I just have no idea where to begin again. 

I can appreciate enthusiasm, but I'd also like grit. I'm a fan of independent thinking, but I also need grounded. I am all for like minded, but I want the truth. 

If in the grand scheme of all things Bigfoot there is a harsh, underlying tone that disrupts the fantasy, I want it. I want to discuss or watch it be discussed beyond literal disgust. I don't want a cutoff. I don't want a regulated line of black and white questioning that can't be surpassed because it might offend the understanding of others. 

My intentions are never to offend, but we should be in constant motion. Our thought processes anyway. I see no reason why anyone should have come to an ultimate conclusion. I've changed my mind a million times. I find it funny how those who do not believe in Bigfoot are often dubbed closed minded when in reality those doing the labeling have been closed off themselves. 

So, I guess my plea is for the gates to be opened and restrictions to be lifted. I understand the consequences of this action. I realize we'll be open to a lot more claims of the egotistical, the imaginative, the compulsive, etc., but if you think about it that's who's running the show, unhindered,  presently. By loosening our muzzles and harnesses a bit we may be able to sift more quickly through the blah aspects skirting the issue and delve further into the heart of the matter. Really get in there. 

Everyone put their nonsensical, playground rules to the side and get dirty outside the fence. Guaranteed, the kids who jump that fence come back with far more insight and intriguing thoughts to add to those who stay contained in the squared off confines of the schoolyard. 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Do You Even Skunk, Bro?

I've noticed that there seems to be somewhat of a prejudice against those who don't actually conduct field work. As though unless you actually spend time in the woods you're not really permitted an opinion as far as commenting on evidence presented. 

It seems unfair because in reality I have spent time in the field. 32 yrs to be exact. In those 32 years I could have been absolutely dedicated to finding a kangaroo or evidence thereof. No matter how much I wanted it to happen, it never would have. Well, with the exception of a zoo visit. But I'm talking in the wild. 

If I'm not making sense yet, good! You're getting a dose of your own medicine. Lol. 

In my 32 years in the field I've seen deer on many occasions, raccoons galore and an occasional opossum. I've seen a skunk twice. I believe I've smelled them several times, but I can't say that for certain.  I don't care if you don't believe me, it's true :p. That's a skunk. A scientifically documented member of the family mammalian. Twice. Now, I've also had two believed bear encounters. Once I believe I witnessed actual hindquarters crossing the road and the other encounter I'll keep to myself because there is a 0.00002% chance it was a Bigfoot, if they exist, and if it was, that moment in time belongs to me. I can't go back, I can't research it further, I can't prove or disprove. 

So, I've witnessed many animals during my years in the field and guess what? I couldn't tell you shit about them. I witnessed skunk twice. I don't know where they live, what they eat, what their preferences are, temperament, mating seasons, territory radius, height, weight, etc....

See what I'm getting at? Surely I could research and find out, but we're going based strictly on sightings/encounters. 

For me to spout off my skunk encounters and encourage people to follow me and support me in my research efforts would be odd. Right? For me to offer up knowledgable theories to those who haven't seen a skunk would be odd. Right?

For me to condescend those who don't believe I saw two skunks by challenging them to go out and find a skunk of their own or inquiring about their daily activities would be odd. Right? 

For me to find evidence often because I've had two sightings would be odd. Right?

I believe in skunks! Scratch that, I know skunks! 

*This posting has absolutely nothing to do with skunks of the ape sort. No names were changed and any similarities of my skunks and the skunk ape were purely coincidentally and truly unintentional.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tree Breaks

I could go the rest of the year without hearing about tree breaks being associated with Bigfoot. Unless, of course, in addition to the broken sapling you've evidence also of footprints, lifted fingerprints, found hairs or a splinter believed to have been dislodged from the hand of the Bigfoot who twisted the tree itself within the immediate area. Which I'm sure you do. 
To be so closed minded as to come across a broken limb or tree and auto assume it was Bigfoot is beyond ridiculous and a waste of time if neither of the former pieces of evidence mentioned are also present. 
If you're under the impression that Mother Nature herself doesn't live by the rule of "I brought you into this world, I can take you out" you're sadly mistaken. There are a number of naturally occurring acts that could be responsible for snapping a tree. Even if it's 6" in diameter. By overestimating the power and strength of Bigfoot you are underestimating the power and strength of nature and that, to me, seems very contradictory. 
Once again, irresponsible and leading. Stick to the facts and by those understandings we can eliminate fiction. Everyone loves a good fairy tale. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

No Comment

I must get this off my chest. For if I don't, I may explode.
While making my rounds through various FB Bigfoot groups last week I found myself among a couple posts that caught my attention. So, like I do, I jumped in and commented on the topics posted. I had had a recent "hey now" moment concerning some of the goings on in the community. I happened to be in an unfamiliar group (strike one) and I happened to have an unpopular opinion concerning the topics (strike two) then I commented (strike three). 
Had I known the outcome beforehand I may not have offered any comments at all. But I'm glad I did. You see, my experience was cause for yet another change in my Bigfoot direction, if you will. 
I tend to try to humorize when it's unnecessary and in this particular instance my attempt at humor only dug me deeper into the ill reception that I couldn't grasp. I was not treated badly, I was simply brushed off as a silly, ignorant, newbie, bully skeptic. :) I kinda liked my new title. But I couldn't fit it in my non existent resume. 
I've commented similarly in other groups concerning other topics. Usually it was an opinion that went with the grain. You know the posts. A bunch of trees claiming 20 creatures, an ultra pixelated blob squatch, etc. etc. You see bullshit so you call it, "Bullshit!"
The difference in this case was that the bullshit I saw was the product of a more highly regarded research group (if there were four strikes in baseball this would've been it). What I didn't realize was the picture was not up for discussion and the majority had already decided upon its validity based on the presenters alone. 
My bad. I commented away unaware of the other's standing. I was being held at bay with promises of "wait and see". I was slightly condescended with offers of my own ignorance and shortcomings, to which I owned. Even though I led with the headings of no disrespect to the men or their work, just a simple distaste for the image, I became the enemy. I found it funny actually because my intentions have never been harmful or disrespectful. 
I went against the grain, purely by accident. And I'm so glad I did. I got the chance to see things from a different perspective. I got the chance to see what happens if you threaten to take away the fibers that weave this Bigfoot together. Again, not my intention. It was one piece of evidence and not a very good one. I'm not sure why it was held to so strongly, but I can't Bigfoot that way.  I'm glad that I still have the ability to separate myself from bullshit and have a clear line of sight into this never ending sea of info. 

Having friends is fine, having favorites may be harmful. If you are okay with celebrating less than mediocre evidence don't complain when you're sitting in the same boat 20 yrs from now. If you're going to be a part of a fan club hold the superstars responsible for their production. If they release a shitty album, say so. If they're offended rather than motivated there may be an issue. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

CeleBeauty and the Beast

When I became interested in Bigfoot I never expected to find out there were politics involved but I'm not surprised. I thought it was straight up and down dirty work. Going out, finding Bigfoot. Implement strategy, techniques, methods, team work. Fun, decency, respect! It's only been some of those things and only some of the time. Bigfoot would call bullshit, I bet. 

If you don't pull your shit together and I have to go into the woods myself I'm gonna be pissed. Do your job! Stop your shameless self promotion and your uploading of every nothing Bigfoot. I have more video of myself outdoors than those of you shouting praises to yourself from the rooftops of YouTube. That's a sad story. I'm beginning to have more respect for the damn cloaking crowd than the supposed "top researchers". 

And, again, to the enablers. Stop jocking these dudes and force them out into the wilds to produce something of note. Don't let them ride the coat tails of YouTube videos that don't prove Bigfoot and the accolades from you, their Facebook groupies, into Bigfoot infamy forever. The real top researches will accept your challenge with pleasure. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bigfoot Perch

Did you know that there are accounts of Bigfoot perching in trees? I'm not entirely sure of the size of those Bigfoot or the size of the trees. Perhaps they're the great Sequoias. The tree, not the creature. Well, maybe the creature is the great red wood as well. Perched among itself. Merged into itself, becoming one with itself. The mightiest of two living things converge to create the epitome of power, understanding, respect and spirit.  Bringing forth a strength that only time can dissolve until finally the stars align and the Sasquatch sequoia is enveloped by the earth and the circle can begin again. Never to be founded by the uncleansed, faulty minds of the human race. Because they are far too weak to behold the majesty. 

Did you like that? Did you like how I made Bigfoot unattainable? I didn't like it Stop that!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


I just realized that I've tried to pass this blog off as unbiased. I understand that isn't entirely true because in most cases I've erred in favor of Bigfoot existing. I think, initially, I meant it in terms of characteristics attached to Bigfoot or maybe concerning others beliefs concerning Bigfoot. At any rate, that also turns out to be untrue. I'm not as unbiased as I'd like concerning others ideas surrounding this subject. So, perhaps the same as the whole Bigfoot phenomenon, this blog has been a sham.  :) (kidding!!) It's real. Even if Bigfoot isn't the phenomenon is alive and well. 
From here on out I'm going to try to stay completely neutral. I will make an attempt at keeping this blog impartial. I cannot promise anything. But I will try. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Witness Interrogation

This will be more of a Q&A for those who've actually seen or encountered a Bigfoot. 
If you'd like to answer the questions you may do so in numbered answers. I thank you.

1. Were your intentions to set out to find or have an encounter with a Bigfoot, or was it a surprise?

2.Whether you were searching for the creature or your sighting was a complete surprise, was it love at first sight? Or would you use a different term to describe your sighting?

3. If you answered No to #2 what term(s) would you use to describe your feeling(s)?

4. If you had doubts about what you were witnessing, how long did those doubts last? a).Seconds, b).minutes, c).days, d.)years?

5. Have you since returned to the area of your encounter? 

6. Do you feel as though your encounter is an unsolved mystery within your life that you'd like to see solved?

7. Upon mental playback of your encounter is there anything you wish you had done differently? 

8. Do certain aspects of the creature itself or your surroundings stick out more than others?

9. Have any aspects of your encounter changed or become more relevant since the initial happening?

10. Do you find that the circumstances surrounding your encounter have been a).helpful, b).harmful or c).neither pertaining to everyday life or your overall well being?

There is no rhyme or reason to this line of questioning. Just a very broad survey. 

*Protection orders may be applied for and will be promptly denied. There is currently no system in place to report or file grievance against a Bigfoot who may have abused you physically, mentally, emotionally or otherwise. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Bigfoot Chopping Block

Within Bigfoot there comes an endless stream of information. A crap ton coming through from every other source available. Some is good quality interesting info. Some is entertainment and still valuable as far as I'm concerned. Some is absolute garbage/bullshit. And some is in no way relevant at all, still leaving it a notch above the bullshit.

My question is how can the community better categorize info? How can they successfully incorporate sound judgement and come to an agreement about what stays and what goes?
I think there should be a community wide system implemented where a piece of information is submitted and given a grace period of several days assuring as many members as possible have access to viewing and then they vote. Chopping Block, Authentic or Undecided. Ultimately ending or putting to rest the majority's take. All info should then be archived in their respective categories. 

Foot prints: Chopping Block, Authentic, Undecided.
Video: Chopping Block, Authentic, Undecided.
Photos: Chopping Block, Authentic, Undecided. 
Vocals: Chopping Block, Authentic, Undecided.
News Articles: Chopping Block, Authentic, Undecided.
And so on. 

In no way do I think it will end debate and argument, but it may give insight as to where everyone stands as a whole on the subject. 

I think cases should be capable of being reopened at request according to an intricate set of rules that will be set in place. More of a game than law. 
I like it. Let's get on that. 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Bigfoot Math

I enjoy this subject, I really do. I enjoy the people and the enthusiasm, hell, I even enjoy the negativity. It is truly mysterious. Not just the subject itself but every facet surrounding it.
Now, I'm no one to police the crowds or revoke people's Footer Licenses, but I'd like to insert my cheaper than cheap two cents.
As of late I can't help but notice how some are taking an already great mystery and attempting to complicate it further. Simple minded may not be the best choice when describing one's self but it's fitting here. Simple, unobstructed and open (we're gonna use open very loosely in its definition here). There are things we understand about this subject and the 
matters surrounding its possible existence. There are some answers that we're aware of and many more that we're not. We tend to have to work a bit harder at the unanswered questions. And you have a choice of how you go about doing so. 
Picture, if you will, a sixth grade math assignment. You are just about finished. Left unanswered are numbers 7 and 13 of the sheet. You have a few choices here.
1. You attempt to solve the problems by going back and reviewing previous work. You study, research your mind, exhaust all efforts in an attempt to find the correct answer. 
2. You guess.
3. You leave the answer blank and convince your teacher that if he/she looks close enough or perhaps opens their mind a little they'll not only see it, but they'll find that it is the most correct answer to ever cross their desk forever changing everything they thought they knew about math.

You see where I'm going with this? Enjoy your day!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Peanut Butter but no Jelly

I was wondering today why no two activities are ever noted at once. You have either a sighting, vocal, wood knock, print, tree break, structure or alleged kill. Now, some of these things occur together, but rarely is there solid evidence of any of them happening along with a sighting other than by word of mouth. I've never heard a vocal that showed the creature. I've never seen a video of a supposed creature that included a vocal. I've never seen a video or pic of a creature breaking a tree, making a kill or building a structure. I've only ever saw them walking around. One person who has shot a decent video within 50 yds has to have been brave enough to follow up with pics or vid of prints left behind. I mean you were right there. I've not seen that either. 
I'm not dogging, simply venting. I'm not criticizing research either as most of these vids/pics are produced by non researching types. Just wondering why there's always koolaid but no sugar, peanut butter but no jelly. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Is This the Real Life?

Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality......

Okay, seriously. I need to know. Are there actually people seeing Bigfoot? I believe it's possible. I really do. Scientifically, I don't know how far fetched it seems. But logically, in my mind, it doesn't seem absolutely crazy. In fact, I may be even more invested if it did.  I'm not sure who writes the rules but I don't think an 8 ft ape living in the nooks and crannies of North America's forests is breaking any. The ape may break rules, it's existence doesn't. Or does it? And what about a discovery? Are we close? I don't want to offend anyone by guessing no, but advances in technology have been more than generous in the last 10 yrs. Unless Bigfoot was forewarned that everyone is now armed with at least a shitty cell phone camera I see no reason why something of more substance hasn't been brought forth, photo wise at least. On the other hand I've stood perfectly still and had plenty of time to photograph a deer bedded down just 50 yds. away only to come home and find a blurry patch with possible ears in that particular photo.
My concern is that I've seen a genuine photo of Bigfoot and missed it as being such. It's such a controversial and easily manipulated topic that I've learned not to trust my own eyes. To be honest, I don't even know what I'm waiting for anymore. Oh, yeah, now I remember. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Compare and Contrast

No Squatches! This is an informational post. You may search the tree lines in these photos. You will not find anything. This photo was made to compare the area over a course of two years and during different seasons (top May 2011, bottom March 2013). 

I was reading in a bigfoot group where there was a suggestion of doing something similar when you're under the impression you've caught something of note among the trees or bushes on your camera. I think it's a fantastic idea and should be practiced more often. It could possibly relieve a lot of headache which often accompanies these type of photos. When time and resources are allowable go back to the spot and snap an extra shot. Obviously this isn't always possible. But if you can do it, I suggest it.

Friday, August 9, 2013

ID please?

If Bigfoot is out there, they obviously don't want to be found. To give up search efforts would be giving up a lifetime goal for some. While I haven't entered a place in my interest where I'd be overcome emotionally at a discovery or proof, I know some who would. 
My question is what would the follow up to an original, exclusive, scientific, sound discovery be? What's the next step? Depending on what sort of undeniable evidence is brought forth determines which unanswered questions will be solved. 
There are lots of species within nature that we don't have full facts on. A lot of unsolved mysteries. So, would any info be good enough for you? I know DNA studies are at the top of everyone's list as far as prime identification goes. Would that be enough? An undeniable, on the books ID of what these creatures are exactly? Would that put everyone's minds at ease? That seems to be the running trend. Accepted by science. Identified, classified and catalogued. Then everyone is satisfied? 
No way, I'm not buying it. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Big Fin

Okay, while it doesn't technically fall in line with anything considered bigfoot, it's still relevant as far as I'm concerned. And on the eve of the upcoming week dedicated to our fine, finned friends, I find it fitting.

Megalodon! This is a very interesting article featuring a few of our larger and more elusive ocean dwellers. Some in existence. Some unknown. Enjoy!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Little by Little by Bigfoot

I've gone into the field. I think. I've chosen spots that I deemed woodsy enough or suitable. I've visited spots where bigfoot have been reported. I'm usually walking, quickly. Rarely I stop to get a feel for my surroundings. Whether I'm walking the trails or simply hanging out, if there are woods around, I wonder if a bigfoot is around. Am I being watched? "What was that?" A chipmunk. Sounded like an elephant. I see deer, tons of deer. They seem at ease which puts me at ease. I assume that if there were danger nearby they would be more skittish. Sometimes I check tree tops. The thought of a large creature such as bigfoot hanging around in the trees seems unlikely to me. Walk faster. If there is a bigfoot in the trees I don't want to be crushed when the branches can't support the weight. I scan the areas above and below the trail. I take note of tree breaks, high grasses, impressions in the dirt or odd structures on or just beyond the trail. I listen for footfalls not matching our own, breathing. "Was that a growl? Bear!!" Nope, dirtbike in the distance. I rarely stop. In most cases the terrain of these trails are rocky or covered in roots making it difficult to navigate while watching where I'm going. Stopping and documenting crosses my mind and immediately fear follows. If I stop I'm a target. If I keep moving I'm not. No one notices as the world passes by at a steady pace. It's when it stops that notice is taken. So, I keep on my merry way. Huffing, puffing, stopping long enough to take a blurry picture of a tree line or grouping of trees that are too dense for my imagination to grasp. When I emerge from the woods or path I find relief. Did I achieve anything? Maybe. I faced a fear. Maybe. I survived. Surely. Next time I'll stop.  

Friday, July 12, 2013

'Sup? 2001

The reason I'm interested in older articles like this is because I find it fascinating that over a decade later there hasn't been much new on the front. Im not saying that in a negative way. Just curious to see over time how the field advances. Keep up the good work everybody. I drew you a picture. :p

Monday, July 1, 2013

Opossum Poem

Gah, first of the month again. No news is good news. Seems as though Ketchum's study, or at least part of it, has proven the existence of opossums. That's no news, folks. 

And now for a poem
Opossum, opossum, you hang from your tail and have sharp shiny teeth. You're awesome.
I see you're white face shine in the moonlight.  you're no angel. I bet you'd filet me with one bite.
Opossum you're awesome bite, white moonlight,

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Favorite Footers

I saw a question yesterday that asked 'How important must a person be before they are considered assassinated and not just murdered?' Great question. And I'll apply it to Bigfoot or the Bigfoot community because that's what I do. Please be advised I'm speaking of a person's importance, not of murder. 
There are several tiers to this community. This is not an effort to categorize, but rather show how many different aspects there are or can be if you find yourself interested in Bigfoot.

'The Guest Footers' The top tier, highest ranking, most credible tier (as far as im concerned) belong to the people who more than likely don't even know the community exists. The ones who've had sightings and encounters while going about their usual activities. Whether it be fishing, boating, hiking, biking, camping or simply driving to work or grabbing the mail. We in the community envy these folks because they put zero man hours in and get results. no baiting, no hi tec equipment, no field surveillance, habituation, no nothing. They just happened to be in the right place at the right time. 

'The Career Footers' The second tier are those who've either had a top tier experience or know someone who has and decide to pursue the beast. Sometimes in an all out man hunt type of way. I love them. They have passion and belief and those aren't common qualities to possess these days. Most of these people are encouraging and helpful. They want to help you build a knowledge of these creatures. They want people to share in their enjoyment of searching for these creatures. Career footers put forth a lot of thought and work. They typically enjoy what they do. Thanks a bunch.

'The Artist Footer' Tier three, and I enjoy these folks. They have a genuine interest with an artistic touch. They've found a way to make Bigfoot searching more effective because they produce the pictures on the 'missing posters' so to speak. I know what Bigfoot looks like not because of photos, but because these people have found their niche in the community and have provided detailed, intricate sketches, drawings and sculptures. I know bigfoot's facial and quadricep structure because of them. Some of their sketches are actually the product of a witness account. Thank You.

'The Writer Foots' Tier Four. These people quell our thirst for knowledge on the subject. Whether by publishing books or blogging new information we are never at a stand still. The Bigfoot community is in constant motion and these guys are documenting the happenings and providing us the lowdown in written form. I like it. It's hard copied in a book for easy access or waiting in the wings of the web. There is so much information it's hard to know where to start. They've taken their love for the subject and decided to share. Thank you muchly.

'The Scientificist Footer' Tier Five. A lot of people would place them at Teir one because, after all, they're the one who can ultimately make this mystery a reality. But, this is my list and I decide order of operations. They are capable of testing aspects of Bigfoot in a logical and laboratorial(<made that up) way. While most can provide evidence apparently these guys can/will provide proof. Their most necessary functions include making the community appear sane by concluding Bigfoot very well could be roaming the North American countryside, giving us little knowers a peek into scientific details from the beasts possible origins down to how its follicular DNA structure differs from that of a human. So, thanks.

'The Armchair Footer' Tier six. These people get to sit back, relax and take advantage of the top five tiers. It's not a bad thing. I do it everyday. We get to listen to stories, look at pictures read articles and enjoy the galleries. Big footing can be great fun from the comfort of your own home. If it weren't for the top tiers we'd never have the ability to take part. So thanks!

'The Skeptical Footer' Special acknowledgements go to you! Yep that's right I enjoy you immensely. I refer to these people as 'the gentle voices of reason'. They are just as big a part of the community as the hard core believers, but I think they'd be offended at a tier spot. Too bad, tier seven it is. Asking questions, sometimes upsetting others but thats okay, standing strong behind the fact that they're not just gonna take it with a grain of salt. A very valuable part of the community if you ask me. They bring about thoughts and questions of opposition that could end up being crucial. I like it, thank ya!

That about wraps it up. Keep in mind, once again, this wasn't meant to single out or demoralize any group. After all one single person could belong and take part on all 7 tiers and they do. I was simply expressing my own observations and attempting to do a breakdown of how all these individual groups make a whole. Everyone is important and the moment you find yourself in a position of assassination status and you haven't solely proven the existence of bigfoot you will have your footer license revoked and be demoted to the Suck It List. 

This paragraph is for hoaxers, trolls and bullshitters. You don't get a tier, so there! Suck it! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Survival Quiz

I've seen question of whether anyone has witnessed Bigfoot mating. Odd question. I happened across this quiz that gives you your percentage of survival if Bigfoot decided to try to mate with you. 

It holds no valuable tips on how to remove yourself from or prevent the situation. It simply tells you how well you'd hold up based on endurance and past experience.

Good luck all!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Buffs, Bluffs and Bluffs

Here is a well written article that breaks down bigfoot. Bigfoot in a nutshell. Assuming the nutshell is that of a genetically engineered walnut grown for Bigfoot habitat purposes.

Anyway, listed are the ins and outs and pros and cons of the subject. Logic is mentioned. Where do you stand? Why?

Thursday, June 6, 2013


10 steps to being a successful contributor to the bigfoot community!!

It's an easy  acronym and one that is probably put to use often. K.I.S.S.=Keep it simple stupid. I'm not calling you stupid. That last letter s could have been lent to any number of words, sucka, sir, simon, soldier, sniper, sassafras, snicklefritz. I think they used stupid because you wouldn't listen as closely if they called you sassafras.

For today I'm changing the last s. For today K.I.S.S.=Keep it simple sasquatch. In an effort to keep completely unbiased I'm going to make a list of suggestions (keep it suggestive sasquatch?). Afterall, we all know in this field there are no rules. Also, I'd like to include that these suggestions are second hand. Through observation I've found that these are highly suggested activities or inactivities based on the beliefs of bigfooters  of the truthful type. I tend to agree, without being biased.

We'll start at #10 and work our way up. People like running the rules backwards. And it tends to put extra emphasis on the more important aspects. You read them last, you'll remember them first. That's not proven, just a hypothesis. Let me know how that works out.

So, without further adieu I present to you an easy to read and decipher list comprised of the most effective ways of bigfooting. I'm offering these tips for free because I want you to be successful.

#10.- Share

#9.- Do not share if you are above being questioned or offended at being questioned. Human nature tends to leave us with a feeling of void if we are given a helping of goodies and the portions are less than generous.

#8.- Tell your story

#7.- Do not tell your friend's story unless you were there and it happens to also be your story.

#6.- As hard as it may be, please refrain from fabricating your story. Believe it or not the story alone usually holds enough value without adding unnecessary embellishment.

#5.-Please, by all means share photos.

#4.- Please, for the love of bacon do not share photos.

#3.- Please for the love of photos do not tell us that Sasquatch love bacon.

#2.-Never stop asking questions.

#1. - Be good, Have fun!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


June 1st, so I felt it was absolutely crucial to post a blog. 
How about an impromptu Bigfoot poem:

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
You've consumed my thoughts for months, minutes, hours and days.

We hang on your every word and those about you written.
You'll never be ignored, with you we're all quite smitten.

You go about your daily life without a care for us.
But we all chase your wisdom, your simplicity, your trust.

When you lay your head down to recharge your tired bones.
We power on our iPads, our laptops and our phones.

You may dream of hunting, fishing or crossing rivers wide and deep. 
But we're all here arguing about whether you dream while you sleep.

Lol the end!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

We Got a Gorilla for Sale!

Once again I feel as though I'm waiting and I don't know what for. Why is it so easy to let stories of this nature halt all other agenda? For me it's that way. I'm pretty sure I have an idea of what's going  on. Nothing. But I wait for the fact to be confirmed. Then once that is confirmed, enter the military helicopter and conspiracy theorists who will take up more time. And so we'll be left with however many other Bigfoot have been part of an exclusive govt. coverup, plus one. You know they won't even let us civilians have a peek?
Can't shame those who are selling, because we're buying. Whether they're selling themselves, the name bigfoot, outlandish claims or what have you.
Much respect to true researchers who actually go out into the field and spend countless hours striving to uncover this mystery. Kudos for keeping level headed (for the most part) and not allowing momentary setbacks obstruct your line of vision. 
At this point my field, as well as quite a few others, is a web. And it is tangled. I imagine once I clear away the debris I'll be left with crosshairs and again be forced to wait for something to enter my line of vision. For the love of Zack Morris I hope it's not a secondary view from the scope of someone who claims to have shot a Bigfoot.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Operation 1•8•7 Foot

Contrary to popular belief you can do research or investigate without going into the remote wilds of the closest National Forest. While the majority maintain that's where your best chances lie I don't discount or take lightly the fact that you have just as good chance driving your usual route to work (depending on your location). 
If you do happen to be located in an otherwise (sub)urban area more often than not you may be just a few mile drive to a wooded area. I don't even believe it must be dense woods. Sure, the more rural/unpopulated the better, or so they say. 
Anyway, while I'm restricted due to time, money, resources and life in general I like to take part in a little exercise I refer to as 'Operation 1•8•7 Foot'. You may also call it Drive-by Bigfooting. I make a mental list of reported sightings in my area, choose one and drive by. The nice thing about Bigfooting on the fly is you can do it spur of the moment. For instance, I was at a dentist appt. this morning and on the way home decided to take a route that swung me past the area of a sighting from the 70s. The idea isn't to see a Bigfoot, but observe the area. I especially enjoy the older reports as I'm left to decide what the area may have looked like back then and I find it exhilarating to know I may be in a spot where a Bigfoot also was, even if it was 30-40 years ago. 
It's up to you to decide whether you want to pull over, get out and stretch or venture into the surrounding wood (assuming it's not private property). There are no rules and no right or wrong way to go about your research, investigations or what have you. You are able to take part in as little or as much as you want and I feel the odds are still in your favor. Keep in mind that a lot of sightings/encounters happen to the unsuspecting. I believe you have a good chance if you're sitting in the woods at 2am yelling and I also believe you have as good a chance if you're taking out your garbage or stepping out for a late night smoke (again, depending on your area). 
*Smoking in Natl. Forests may be frowned upon. 
Good luck, have fun!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Bigfooting at 70mph

I'm a bigfoot enthusiast at least. An opportunistic bigfooter at best. Since embarking on this journey into bigfootdom I've gone from severely engaged to slightly skeptic and back to a happy medium of enthusiastically aware. I'm sure throughout the years I will cycle through all the same, if not more, emotions concerning the subject. Unless of course there comes a point when I have a sighting or encounter of my own. I don't think you can discount the sight of a 7'+ creature.
As of current we're heading east through PA and fast. With each pending tunnel leading me through another mountain I'm growing more and more anxious knowing that there is a chance they are here among the trees and creeks. I feel as though I'm close by to an old friend's house and I'm dying to pop in and say hello.
To pass the time I'm listening to Monster X Radio's podcast from Sunday night. For now I'm glad to be able to live vicariously through those who who actually take part in the practices that I so desperately want to be a part of. But it won't belong before I put my fears and hang ups to the side and replace it with my tick spray, drive an hour in any direction and settle in to familiarize myself with the land.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A different perspective

Until 6 mos ago I had no idea that a vast population of bigfooters existed within the wilds of Facebook. There must be thousands, if not tens of thousands, of people who share in the interest scattered among the US and territories of Canada. They were an elusive bunch having never encountered them myself. But, I found them. They are here. If you don't believe me, do a little research of your own.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Ohio Bigfoot Conference 2013 The Good Stuff

I awoke that morning at 6:30 am in somewhat of a zombie state. My headache from the night before had not gone away and I was stuck 7 foot off the ground with no way down. I considered jumping, but didn't want to jostle my brain any further. I made it down eventually.
I crept around the cabin as not to wake my sleeping roommates and started the coffee. It took 4 yrs to brew but was worth the wait. While waiting I searched out the back window into the woods behind our cabin for any signs of life. There was a flock of those vultures that seemed to be fighting over a decent meal. They were really flaunting for eachother. I never found out who won the treat.
The cabin came alive as everyone woke. We had coffee and a nice morning chatting. Kelly and I took turns looking out across the lake with the binoculars. She called them binos I called them binocs. Either way, we were super bad ass in our search efforts.
Showered, dressed and packed up we headed to the lodge for check out and to obtain our admission tix. After that, we headed to a spot called Mr. Lee's for breakfast. Good diner food. Good prices.
The conference was in full swing by the time we made our way back. There were vendor tables in every room from the window to the wall (til the sweat drops down my ......) I was in awe. I wanted to visit every table and meet every person. And I did, sometimes twice, maybe three times. Among the people in attendance were a few I had recognized from either hearing their names or seeing their faces on the web. (is it dorky to say web?) I'm not big on autographs. I mean if Tom Cruise offered me an autograph I'd tell him to "no thanks" then I'd ask if he wanted my autograph.
Anyway, I noticed Loren Coleman almost immediately. While I'm not big on autographs I was kicking myself for not bringing my book 'Bigfoot: The True Story of Apes in America'. I would have had him sign it. Sure, he's an author in a field that I'm interested in. I admire that. Right?  So I decided to at least let him know that I had his book, that it was very highly suggested to me, that I haven't read it yet and that I left it at home. TaDa! I assured him I'd read it soon. It was very nice to meet him. I passed Mr. Coleman a few more times throughout the conference and he'd say "You have my book at home." I'd say "Yes, yes I do."
We made our way around all the vendor tables and met people and snagged up super cool swag (booty according to your preference). The speaker line up was awesome. The speakers I was able to sit in for were Thom Powell (easy listening, supah dupah funny guy) as well as Mark Maisel and Dr. Russ Jones's (very well informed guys and willing to share the deets) with a cameo by Jim Sherman (produces insane recordings). I also watched a bit of the auction. There were some really neat items up for bid. I had so much excitement I lost track of time. I wanted to make sure I introduced myself to the people who had been so kind and I set off. I made it a point to introduce myself to Marc Dewerth. He had done such a great job keeping everyone updated via of email and fb and the outcome was wonderful. I was glad to have found place/event where all of the info and mementos I craved were readily available. I also met with Sybilla Irwin, Joedy Cook, Eric Altman, Elusive MN.Brt (Abe), Jim Sherman, Mark Maisel and had lovely talks with a lot of other kind folks who didn't offer names but were encouraging and kind just the same.
 It was nice to see that regardless of what the general population thinks of the bigfoot phenomenon, it's real and it's here and people are taking it seriously. I respect these people. I'm not sure of all the stereotypes surrounding the bigfoot community, but the people I met were kind, intelligent, funny, dedicated and determined. I think as far as stereotypes go I was probably the kookiest, whack job there. But I hid it well, I think. I look forward to attending many more conferences and in the meantime I hope to set off on my own journey into the wilds of the bigfootery world.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

As Good As or Better Than

I'm skimming a book called '50 Popular Beliefs That People Think Are True'. It was written by Guy P. Harrison and covers such topics as ghosts, UFOs, Astronomy, psychics and the like. Guy is a skeptic and does a very good job explaining why it's important to be so. For the record, I agree with that.
I, of course, skipped to the bigfoot chapter eager to read what he had to say concerning the subject. To my surprise within the chapter there was a full two pages dedicated to Patty.
He delved into the points and issues everyone is already aware of including, but not limited to, the 'fact' that no one, not even Hollywood film studios, were capable of making that much of a realistic suit in 1967.
He then included a list of films from the 50s, 60s and 70s in which he believed the costumes and suit quality were just as good as, if not better than what was shown in the Patty film. So I looked them up. And here they are:
Gorilla at Large (1954)
Konga (1961)
Planet of the Apes (1968)
Star Trek's 'Magatu' (1968)
2001: A Space Odyssey (late 1960s)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ohio Bigfoot Conference 2013 Arrival

A whirlwind of a weekend retreat. We departed around 1:30 pm Friday afternoon and embarked on our journey to our first Ohio Bigfoot Conference held at Salt Fork State Park. It was our rookie year and we didn't want to make any mistakes. The first half of our trip was uneventful and the second half we ended up on a scenic route. We passed swamps, cows and Skull Fork Rd. I wonder what kind of conferences they have there? Upon entering the park our excitement ran high when we realized we had missed our turn to the lodge. We busted a U making sure not to drive on the finely landscaped berm. As we turned onto the dirtroad I realized it was marked 51. Immediately I decided our GPS was taking us to a well hidden branch of area 51. Midway up the road we reached a clearing in the trees where a single picnic table sat as the GPS announced we had reached our destination. I rationalized silently that the secret passageway to the well hidden, secondary site of  area 51 must lie beneath the table. We decided to ignore GPS lady and continued until we came upon a couple of young guys sat in a pickup at the end of another dirt road. We asked directions and he rattled off the name of an indian reservation and asked if that's where we were going. We had our sights set strong on the conference and we couldn't be sidetracked by area 51 and indian reservations much longer. Even though it sounded really, really fun. 
Finally, we arrived. Check in and off to the cottage. I was less than pleased to find we were the next to last cottage at the end of the road. Sure, during the day I was fine but I knew after nightfall things would change. We were pleased to find the cottage was quaint and lovely and all around peaceful. Plenty of room and very very clean. There was a great view of the lake and we decided to relax immediately by opening a bottle of wine before dinner. Taking our seats around the firepit outside I noticed a lot of turkey vultures, or maybe regular vultures circling above head. I decided they were waiting for us to die and went inside. After we made ourselves at home and got settled we made our way to the lodge for dinner.
The lodge is beautiful and surrounded by rolling hillsides, woods and deer around almost every bend. The inside is very cozy and offers a warm welcome. After dinner we visited the Wildlife Lounge and enjoyed some beverage, pool and annoyed the kind people at the bar with Boston, Guns N Roses and John Lennon. The meet and greet was within our reach and we made it, but couldn't stay long. We decided it was time to head back to our comfy cottage and call it a night. We had a big day ahead of us.
I lost my OBC pin running for my life to the cottage door. I found it hard to sleep. I wasn't sure if it was because I was on the top bunk of a bunk bed, or because I was too excited and anxious about the following day. Either way I was adamant about all of us sharing a room and that was that. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Bigfoot Love Story

It's probably good practice to reprioritize or reevaluate your motivation or interest in bigfoot from time to time. Take a step back and rediscover what sparked the fire in the first place. Yes, I'm referring to it as though it's a relationship, because it is. And like any relationship there are ups and downs as well as good and bad. It's easy at times to lose sight of what drew you in and caught your attention.
Being blindsided by claims and beliefs that don't match your own but seem to take the limelight and become the focus everywhere you go. Coming in contact with people who cause you to momentarily doubt yourself. Coming in contact with people who cause you to doubt people. I'm pretty sure all of these aspects are relevant, but not pertinent to the subject.
So, let's bring it back and forget about all that. I'm assuming it was none of those things that led you down the bigfoot road to start. Rewind, reconnect and reconsider what you're doing here. Don't let obstacles stand in the way. Don't allow yourself to be negatively influenced by others. Don't let your love fizzle out.  Start fresh and buy your bigfoot conscience a dozen red roses. They love that stuff.
Everyone has their own bigfoot love story. You determine the beginning, middle and end.......what you come away with is up to you. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sass Watch

Is the idea of bigfoot itself not mystifying enough that there is need to add harder to explain/prove aspects? There may not be any characteristics known for sure, but I'm content sticking with physical or worldly explanations for why I can't find or see them.
I'm not saying that there aren't cosmic or spiritual beings and entities(< I could be wrong, they may actually obtain paranormal or supernatural structure. But until I or someone else overturns every leaf in every forest and tells me it's definitely that way I'm going to put that idea on the back burner.
Believing in bigfoot, or the possibility thereof, is exhausting in itself. For me, to add anything even more unrealistic seems like a setup for disaster. I'm having a hard time coming to terms with the idea that there are possibly 10,000 1/4-1/2 ton apemen running the forests of North America. As if that isn't interesting enough you're gonna tell me that they may or may not possess cloaks of invisibility along with the right to pass from this dimension to a parallel universe at will? I don't even know what that means.
Maybe I'm the closed minded one. Maybe my ignorance and lack of knowledge put me at a disadvantage. Maybe I'm not as finely tuned to the earth as the people who witness such things. Maybe.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

I don't want to see a bigfoot

So I've engaged in heading outdoors into semi woodsy areas during the day. I've chosen areas that I've decided would be good spots over the winter. I haven't visited the exact locations of 2 spots I'm very interested in. I'm afraid to cross boundaries and I don't want to impose on anyone's private property.
Even in daylight hours the thought of what could potentially be hidden among the trees plays heavy on my conscience. I almost wish I could go back to the time when I was unaware of and out of tune with my surroundings. I note now whether or not birds are singing in certain areas, I look at trees and can't help but try to determine whether their positionings have naturally occured, I inspect the ground for any prints that may be out of the ordinary and I stop periodically and listen for possible noises that would otherwise go unnoticed.
One thing I struggle with is skimming the perimeters of an area I'm in for movement. I don't want to see movement. Just know that my intentions, at this point in time, are actually NOT to see a bigfoot. I'm interested only in residual evidence. I'm not on board at all to witness the happenings. I'll more than happily pick up the pieces, if any, leftover in the aftermath.
Night vision, while extremely cool, would be of no use to me at this point and thermal imaging even less. What I am interested in is setting up a trail camera of sorts or perhaps some recording equipment. I'm by no means in a position where I feel those pieces of equipment are necessary. I'm going to keep seeking locations and gathering information.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Bear? Bigfoot? St. Bernard?

I'm gonna have to go back and check the dates, but I'm pretty sure it was July 15, 2012. I decided to take the long way home from Target. I was alone so there wasnt anyone there to argue the detour. I drove up the road and made a left onto another rd. around 7:20 pm. It was super hot so I had all the windows down.
I passed the fire station and the pumpkin patch. I was enjoying the ride while always cautious of the fact a deer, or several, could be lurking around the next bend. While rounding the last bend before descending into the next town. I saw the hindquarters of a large brown coppery animal disappear into the brush right at the end of the guard rail. I'd say I was 50-60 yds. Away.
I don't remember slowing down, but I do remember saying out loud, to myself "What the f* was that?" as I rolled up the windows. Upon approaching the exact spot I had spotted whatever it was I was too fearful to check the side it was on but instead checked the side it must've come from. There was a house there.
Bear, was my immediate thought, but even that seemed far fetched. A very, very large dog, I tried reasoning. The whole way home I tried to rationally decide what I had seen.
When I arrived home I jokingly updated facebook that I thought I had seen a bear, possibly a baby bigfoot. I immediately searched bear sightings in PA. The first thing that came up was the Jacob's photo being identified as a bear with mange. it was the closest thing i could find that resembled what I'd seen.
I had been somewhat enthusiastic about Bigfoot for a few years before this day. No research or anything. Just thoughts and and interest.
A friend I spoke with confirmed a bear had been sighted in that area that evening, but I always wonder. I'm attaching a pic of the Jacob's photo and also my location of the sighting. The picture is from yesterday, so over 8 mos. from the time. Even if it was a bear, It's still a good sighting, I feel.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

On My Way 2

This is the video I spoke of in my post titled 'On My Way'. It was a 2 minute film that ended up over 7 minutes once I edited it. I, myself, haven't actually watched it in its entirety.
My idea wasn't to actually find something, but rather get a feel for filming and editing.
It was March 9, 2013 around 12:30 pm. We were on route 22W, I believe, and I filmed for about 2-4 miles. Guaging distance and noting landmarks aren't my strong points, but I'm making an effort. I do recall passing a sign for the state gamelands and I also recorded an exit sign naming whichever area we were close to. I know we were not far from the PA/WV border.
If anyone actually watches this I will be greatly surprised. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Do Bigfoot Like Apples?

If there is one thing I've learned since joining the bigfoot community it's that the group as a whole are a passionate people.
Whether they are passionate that:
they think bigfoot isn't real  
they think bigfoot is real 
they saw a bigfoot and want you to believe them
they captured a bigfoot (on film, in a net, in a parallel dimension, in a dream). We are a passionate bunch.
Even people with the same belief can be brought to a disagreement over something bigfoot related. I see it everyday. And it doesn't only apply to the bigfoot community I guess. But it's the only place I've ever been where there is not enough knowledge/proof/concrete evidence one way or the other to solidify your belief or back up your claims. People with sightings and encounters can tell their stories til they are blue in the face and there will always likely be a handful of people who will not credit their account.
Guy 1."Nope, I don't buy it. You know why? Bigfoot do not eat apples. They hate them."
Guy 2. "I beg to differ. My grandfather fed a whole family of bigfoot apples for years."
Guy 3. "The apples were gone. That is all I'm saying."
Guy 4. "Guy 1 is right. They never eat apples."

Overall, most want the final outcome to be that bigfoot are recognized by science as a living, breathing species. I'm not sure what takes place after that. I've heard some hope for civil liberties, rights as americans. I've heard others hope for protection and conservation. I'm leaning more toward the latter.
If there ever is a final word on the subject I do hope the findings are brought forth in a respectable, harmless manner. Nature, regardless of demand, deserves respect.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Curiosity Killed the Cat

I've seen more photos and videos of stacked rocks, foot prints, bent trees and bigfoot than I care to admit in public. I've listened to audios of alleged bigfoot and even gone as far as to listen to barred owl recordings at length in hopes that i may be able to rule them out if I'm ever in a situation where I may need to differentiate between the two.
My only problem with these pictures and videos is I'm not an expert. I don't know what stacked the rocks, left the prints or bent the trees. I don't know what that blurry blob standing in the trees is. I pretend I do. I'll stare, rewind, speed up and pause. Sometimes I spend more time than I'd like to admit in public on one piece of evidence that I find fascinating. I know I'm not the only one. We all have our favorite aspects of Bigfoot.
One of my favorite pieces isn't evidence at all. It's a picture that I took myself in my own backyard, literally. I went on my back porch one night and my prescience scared a neighborhood cat who was lounging in the snow. I found it strange he was comfortable there. Anyway the next morning I noted the print the cat left strongly resembled all of the prints I had spent so long looking at. Upon closer inspection I found it was complete with toe prints. One of the best Bigfoot foot prints I'd ever seen and it was left by a cat.
I'm definitely not saying all photos of suspected Bigfoot prints were left by cats. I'm just saying maybe every Bigfoot print wasn't left by a Bigfoot.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

On My Way

Over the weekend we made a trip to WV for the day. I decided I'd pull out my phone and record a bit of the woods/countryside/whatever along the highway as we went. Now, the only thing that stuck out to me before that was trees, large and small broken or completely uprooted every 30 ft or so. I see so many people claim these are bf actions and in this case I believe that, unless there was an army of bigfoot that spanned a couple miles wide that charged the highway, the broken trees were cause by acts of nature.
Also, when I got home my video was sideways, too fast and the children were doing a wonderful job butchering a great Adele song in the background. I found a program where I could rotate, remove sound and slow down the speed. Obviously there is nothing there, but I'm sure if you really wanted to find something you could. It may seem silly that these are the methods I'm starting with, but the nice thing about bigfooting is there are no rules. I'd like to start by being familiar with typical natural occurances and rule them out immediately when I come upon them rather than wasting my time trying to attach bigfoot to every overturned rock or broken limb. I may not be well on my way, but I'm on my way.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Possible Design Features

I was wondering about the Bigfoot design and how some of the reported characteristics might aid in their natural habitats.
Long/short fur. Maybe a matter of the region they live in, or simply a matter of coats. Maybe their winter coats are long and thick and summer coats are short and scant. I've heard reports of white haired Bigfoot on the east coast. Either they are old and graying or certain Bigfoot are equipped to blend into their environment like the arctic fox or rabbit. (I'm aware the east coast isn't considered the arctic).

No visible ears. I'm sure they have canals, just maybe not the outer ear. The inner ear would be needed I think to balance those large bodies on those large feet. If the outer ear is there maybe it's mesh with the side of the head and completely covered with hair.

Shortened/lack of a visible neck. Maybe also a protective design incase the inner ear putters out. Imagine a Bigfoot moving stealthily through the woods when suddenly an unexpected obstacle pops up. Even the most graceful creatures stumble from time to time. But most aren't taking a tumble from 8 feet up. That's a break neck height.

Elongated arms. Several reports claim Bigfoot may break or twist tree limbs high up in trees to mark routes. I don't think this is entirely true as I feel they probably have an innate sense of their surroundings and territories. I do feel you should check the area with twisted branches for rocky or rough terrain. Maybe they're using those branches and limbs for leverage.

Big feet. While big feet and long legs are good for covering a lot of ground in a shorter time I'd imagine they're also good for tripping you up from time to time. I'm not sure exactly how the bigfoot feet and leg joints hinge or unhinge but I'm sure it works to their advantage for the most part.

I know I've more or less described a clumsy Bigfoot that contradicts most beliefs. It's only my simple thoughts. Not fact. But I keep in mind how fluid in motion I am if I'm scared and attempting to flee what I perceive as danger. I've scaled chain link fences with ease and ran barefoot through the woods in the dark unscathed lol. Maybe their defense mechanisms are the same and that's why they appear to move so quickly once they're spotted.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Dr. Todd Disotell on Ketchum's DNA Research

I liked it. I thought the guy was answering the questions to the best of his knowledge. I agree a few of the questions were lost in translation causing him to veer off in a different direction. Some points were missed because bigfoot didn't seem to be the topic of the show. Although it was called monster talk. Still interesting, even if my head aches a bit.

Offensive Prescence

Assuming we're the top of the food chain leaves us at an anvantage. The unknown of what could possibly exist leaves us at a more than real disadvantage. Where we are free to explore our surroundings and the world around us, we're not always free to impose on others land/territory. Whether this other be a bear, mountain lion or another human being. Depending on the being determines whether or not respectability plays a role in your prescence.

Now if you are out in the middle of the woods and come across a 'No Tresspassing' sign, you'd be best to abide by that sign and not advance any further. But in most cases if you accidentally impose on another human's land I'd assume they'd be forgiving assuming you are respectably passing through.

Now if you stumble upon a wild animal's habitat in the middle of the woods you may not get off so easy. I don't believe a simple "Just passing through." will get you off the hook. It's a not so unlikely scenario either. When in nature we come in contact with many different animals. Some are unbothered by our prescence and some are downright offended. Even if we mean no harm. I don't believe wild animals have a sense of what our intentions are. Most are wary of humans and run/fly off at the first inkling we are near and others attack.

My question is where does a bigfoot stand among this scattered list. Some err on the side of more human. So are they unbothered by us. Do they accept our respectable claim of  "Just passing through"? Are they able to sense our intentions? Whether we present harm?  

Some err on the side of more animal, perhaps ape like. Do they flee upon hearing us enter their domain? Are they downright offended at our prescence? Are they curious? Do they attack?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

We Summer There

 It is said that bigfoot travel in groups. Are there stragglers who venture off on their own and leave the group? Are these stragglers the ones who end up being spotted on the side of highways? The ones who wander too close to populated areas? Or are they simply spotted while passing through an area making their way to another? I could see where a group of or a single bigfoot might tap out an areas resources and need to move on, even if they plan to return to the original spot at some point in the future. Perhaps they have several areas they inhabit based on seasons. Maybe the resources in location A are richer in the summer and the resources in location B are richer during the winter and the resources connecting the two locations can sustain them during travels in the spring and fall.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Flacco and the Flir Truck

When I heard about Joe Flacco being signed for a 6 yr contract worth $120m leaving him the highest paid QB in NFL history a friend and I had a conversation about what we'd do with that kind of money. "The Flir Truck!!" left my mouth so quickly I surprised myself. My friend had no idea what I was rambling about.

I saw the Flir mobile tracker truck thingy on an episode of Finding Bigfoot a couple months ago. They were investigating the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. I found it impressive at the time, though, not much findings were brought forth from that episode in particular. They were able to scan quite a distance and toggle views. Too much fun!

Sadly I cannot find a link or video promoting this vehicle. But, apparently Flir mobile can outfit your personal vehicle with infrared imaging. Or you can get a monocle style imager. I may have to settle for that instead because I'm sure I'll never become the highest paid quarterback in NFL history. Besides I don't believe the Flir truck came equipped with a coffee machine.

Monday, March 4, 2013


I think the perfect piece of footage to start with on this blog is Harry and the Henderson's, as I'm pretty sure that is where my affinity for bigfoot started. But I won't start there because we are all adults. I'll save Harry for another day. Today we're gonna look at what is probably the most controversial, most intriguing piece of evidence to date and it is over 40 yrs old. Seems strange that in this day and age given the technological advances we've had that this is still the best we have. I'm not at all surprised. Whatever intelligence humans possessed 40 yrs ago has decreased significantly since. Regardless of where we stand techonologically you have to step back and think about who we're putting in charge of these oh so smart devices. The device is only as smart as the person handling it.

Anyway, today's piece is the Patterson/Gimlin film shot October 20, 1967 in the Bluff Creek area of Northern California. I'm not sure about the rest of you but I've watched this clip numerous times and I'm not convinced it can't be real. << (I hate when people word sentences in such a way that after reading it four times you're still not sure what it said).

I like the film. I'm sure we've all heard that there was a friend who claimed to have worn the suit, that Universal Studios said that they could try but don't believe they could recreate such a real suit or even train an actor to walk that way, that if it were a suit we wouldn't be able to notice the quadricep so well. More recently a slight bulge has been noted on the creatures right upper thigh, thought to be a possible hernia or dislocation. The bottom of the feet were white, the way that the foot flexes and appears to separate at a point where not only human feet don't, but a monkey suit never would. The broken down study of the stride, all the way down to observing the fact that certain joints seem to unhinge and produce a very unhuman like stride. Oh, and SHE has boobies. I applaud all of the researchers, scientists, skeptics and nobodies (me) who have spent countless hrs. examining this evidence.

According to Robert Gimlin they were on horseback and that explains the camera's shaky angle to begin with. I'm sure Patterson's own nervousness, anxiety or pure terror could have also aided in the shakiness. (Don't be too harsh, I've seen plenty of shaky, blurry, half assed recordings since and remember, we're way more advanced today). Also according to Robert Gimlin is that at the time she produced the famous money shot he was across the creek bed on horse back perhaps closing in a little too quickly.

I personally feel as though she was keeping her composure neutral, watching her back and getting as much space between her and them as possible. She wanted nothing to do with them and from what I hear that seems to be the trend.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Maybe the existence of bigfoot isn't so far fetched afterall. Just a few of the discoveries of new species or species that have made a comeback after 80 million years. These are just a few.

March 11, 1869 Giant Panda discovered. I also have a date of November 9, 1927 as the date of the Panda's discovery. I wasn't alive during either of those years so I cannot confirm the date. According to other reports the pandas were known about even long before 1869 and sometimes kept as pets by the ancient emperors.

October 18, 1902 Mountain Gorilla discovered.

December 23, 1938 Coelacanth (pronounced see-la-kanth) discovered. And another population in Indonesia in 1997
My personal favorite as this fish was the most prized fish you could catch in the video game animal crossing: city folk, for the wii. At that time I didn't understand why it was so hard to catch. I now have a better understanding and can appreciate the thrill of the chase, not that I didn't at the time.

There have been many more discoveries and even more recent than these.