Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Flacco and the Flir Truck

When I heard about Joe Flacco being signed for a 6 yr contract worth $120m leaving him the highest paid QB in NFL history a friend and I had a conversation about what we'd do with that kind of money. "The Flir Truck!!" left my mouth so quickly I surprised myself. My friend had no idea what I was rambling about.

I saw the Flir mobile tracker truck thingy on an episode of Finding Bigfoot a couple months ago. They were investigating the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. I found it impressive at the time, though, not much findings were brought forth from that episode in particular. They were able to scan quite a distance and toggle views. Too much fun!

Sadly I cannot find a link or video promoting this vehicle. But, apparently Flir mobile can outfit your personal vehicle with infrared imaging. Or you can get a monocle style imager. I may have to settle for that instead because I'm sure I'll never become the highest paid quarterback in NFL history. Besides I don't believe the Flir truck came equipped with a coffee machine.

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