Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Possible Design Features

I was wondering about the Bigfoot design and how some of the reported characteristics might aid in their natural habitats.
Long/short fur. Maybe a matter of the region they live in, or simply a matter of coats. Maybe their winter coats are long and thick and summer coats are short and scant. I've heard reports of white haired Bigfoot on the east coast. Either they are old and graying or certain Bigfoot are equipped to blend into their environment like the arctic fox or rabbit. (I'm aware the east coast isn't considered the arctic).

No visible ears. I'm sure they have canals, just maybe not the outer ear. The inner ear would be needed I think to balance those large bodies on those large feet. If the outer ear is there maybe it's mesh with the side of the head and completely covered with hair.

Shortened/lack of a visible neck. Maybe also a protective design incase the inner ear putters out. Imagine a Bigfoot moving stealthily through the woods when suddenly an unexpected obstacle pops up. Even the most graceful creatures stumble from time to time. But most aren't taking a tumble from 8 feet up. That's a break neck height.

Elongated arms. Several reports claim Bigfoot may break or twist tree limbs high up in trees to mark routes. I don't think this is entirely true as I feel they probably have an innate sense of their surroundings and territories. I do feel you should check the area with twisted branches for rocky or rough terrain. Maybe they're using those branches and limbs for leverage.

Big feet. While big feet and long legs are good for covering a lot of ground in a shorter time I'd imagine they're also good for tripping you up from time to time. I'm not sure exactly how the bigfoot feet and leg joints hinge or unhinge but I'm sure it works to their advantage for the most part.

I know I've more or less described a clumsy Bigfoot that contradicts most beliefs. It's only my simple thoughts. Not fact. But I keep in mind how fluid in motion I am if I'm scared and attempting to flee what I perceive as danger. I've scaled chain link fences with ease and ran barefoot through the woods in the dark unscathed lol. Maybe their defense mechanisms are the same and that's why they appear to move so quickly once they're spotted.

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