Monday, December 9, 2013

Tree Breaks

I could go the rest of the year without hearing about tree breaks being associated with Bigfoot. Unless, of course, in addition to the broken sapling you've evidence also of footprints, lifted fingerprints, found hairs or a splinter believed to have been dislodged from the hand of the Bigfoot who twisted the tree itself within the immediate area. Which I'm sure you do. 
To be so closed minded as to come across a broken limb or tree and auto assume it was Bigfoot is beyond ridiculous and a waste of time if neither of the former pieces of evidence mentioned are also present. 
If you're under the impression that Mother Nature herself doesn't live by the rule of "I brought you into this world, I can take you out" you're sadly mistaken. There are a number of naturally occurring acts that could be responsible for snapping a tree. Even if it's 6" in diameter. By overestimating the power and strength of Bigfoot you are underestimating the power and strength of nature and that, to me, seems very contradictory. 
Once again, irresponsible and leading. Stick to the facts and by those understandings we can eliminate fiction. Everyone loves a good fairy tale. 

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