Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Bigfoot: Believers Only

I was aware groups like this existed. I didn't belong to any because I thought the name was pretty self explanatory. I left this particular group a few months back due to circumstances that I felt were touchy. The first being my non compliance. While skeptical by nature I still enjoy studying the info surrounding the Bigfoot subject. It's fascinating. But I'm not skeptic by definition given by some in the Bigfoot community. Here the word is a bad word and it describes a person who viciously attacks the idea that such a creature could exist and tears down or threatens the belief for innocent believers. That is not my game. In fact I'm just as hungry for info as those who've had a sighting/encounter or just have belief. 

Apparently the follow up to belief is all access pass to this type of group. It's a place where you are made to feel safe in your belief and free to ask questions without fear of backlash from those damn "skeptics". 

Somehow I was added back by mistake. I felt need to immediately post a thank you, but also let the group know I hadn't yet found belief. A few members seemed to think a skeptical view would be welcome so I said I'd hang out but I explained my purpose was not the vicious skeptic type. Then another member stepped in and stated that while I may be a nice person there is already far too much skepticism surrounding the subject, the group is more of a safe haven and perhaps not the place for me. 

I replied that a skeptical stance wasn't meant as a threat to belief and that it's sad that those in a position to gain an understanding or belief through the discussions are being turned away. 

Now, I don't really hold the subject in that high of a regard, it's simply an interest. So, I left on my own...again, as not to appear threatening. But I'm left to wonder what the point of this type group is. Is it to offer protection of belief? And in what way is that beneficial to the subject? I'm not upset, just curious. 


  1. I am a believer but welcome the skepticism. I have noticed that these "groups" tend to have many individuals who are very touchy when it comes to somebody questioning the subject. You ask "what the point of this type of group is?" I can only answer for myself but it is quite simple - the content. I am overly fascinated by the subject and this makes receiving this content much easier. I rarely comment on posts and pics but do read them quite often to judge on my own. That's my reason.

  2. If belief is the objective how are those who've not reached the goal supposed to achieve it if they are cut off from the source? I'm sure there is content there that may appeal to people with any amount of interest but lucky for them there are several other groups that are welcoming to every stage of interest.
