I've noticed that there seems to be somewhat of a prejudice against those who don't actually conduct field work. As though unless you actually spend time in the woods you're not really permitted an opinion as far as commenting on evidence presented.
It seems unfair because in reality I have spent time in the field. 32 yrs to be exact. In those 32 years I could have been absolutely dedicated to finding a kangaroo or evidence thereof. No matter how much I wanted it to happen, it never would have. Well, with the exception of a zoo visit. But I'm talking in the wild.
If I'm not making sense yet, good! You're getting a dose of your own medicine. Lol.
In my 32 years in the field I've seen deer on many occasions, raccoons galore and an occasional opossum. I've seen a skunk twice. I believe I've smelled them several times, but I can't say that for certain. I don't care if you don't believe me, it's true :p. That's a skunk. A scientifically documented member of the family mammalian. Twice. Now, I've also had two believed bear encounters. Once I believe I
witnessed actual hindquarters crossing the road and the other encounter I'll keep to myself because there is a 0.00002% chance it was a Bigfoot, if they exist, and if it was, that moment in time belongs to me. I can't go back, I can't research it further, I can't prove or disprove.
So, I've witnessed many animals during my years in the field and guess what? I couldn't tell you shit about them. I witnessed skunk twice. I don't know where they live, what they eat, what their preferences are, temperament, mating seasons, territory radius, height, weight, etc....
See what I'm getting at? Surely I could research and find out, but we're going based strictly on sightings/encounters.
For me to spout off my skunk encounters and encourage people to follow me and support me in my research efforts would be odd. Right? For me to offer up knowledgable theories to those who haven't seen a skunk would be odd. Right?
For me to condescend those who don't believe I saw two skunks by challenging them to go out and find a skunk of their own or inquiring about their daily activities would be odd. Right?
For me to find evidence often because I've had two sightings would be odd. Right?
I believe in skunks! Scratch that, I know skunks!
*This posting has absolutely nothing to do with skunks of the ape sort. No names were changed and any similarities of my skunks and the skunk ape were purely coincidentally and truly unintentional.
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