Friday, September 13, 2013

Witness Interrogation

This will be more of a Q&A for those who've actually seen or encountered a Bigfoot. 
If you'd like to answer the questions you may do so in numbered answers. I thank you.

1. Were your intentions to set out to find or have an encounter with a Bigfoot, or was it a surprise?

2.Whether you were searching for the creature or your sighting was a complete surprise, was it love at first sight? Or would you use a different term to describe your sighting?

3. If you answered No to #2 what term(s) would you use to describe your feeling(s)?

4. If you had doubts about what you were witnessing, how long did those doubts last? a).Seconds, b).minutes, c).days, d.)years?

5. Have you since returned to the area of your encounter? 

6. Do you feel as though your encounter is an unsolved mystery within your life that you'd like to see solved?

7. Upon mental playback of your encounter is there anything you wish you had done differently? 

8. Do certain aspects of the creature itself or your surroundings stick out more than others?

9. Have any aspects of your encounter changed or become more relevant since the initial happening?

10. Do you find that the circumstances surrounding your encounter have been a).helpful, b).harmful or c).neither pertaining to everyday life or your overall well being?

There is no rhyme or reason to this line of questioning. Just a very broad survey. 

*Protection orders may be applied for and will be promptly denied. There is currently no system in place to report or file grievance against a Bigfoot who may have abused you physically, mentally, emotionally or otherwise. 


  1. 1. Though my encounter occurred during a BFRO expedition, I honestly had no expectation of encountering a bigfoot. My friend and I joined a BFRO expedition simply for the experience of saying we've been with professional squatchers. So, I suppose I could answer the question with a half yes and half no. It was a bigfoot expedition, but I really had no expectation of coming across one (or it coming across us which might be more accurate).

    2. It was not love at first sight.

    3. At the time, my first instinct was to get out of the area. I've never felt more helpless in its presence. I've been to war. I've been under enemy fire. However, I can honestly say being in the presence of something that large caused my "flight instinct" to trigger quicker than anything I've ever experienced. There's really no better to describe the feeling than to say I felt so entirely helpless in its presence.

    4. As it happened I don't think I had time to process what was in front of me other than the fact that it was larger than any animal/being I've ever come across in the forest. As time has gone by since the experience I've pieced together the entire experience (what lead to it, what happened afterward, etc.) to confirm in my own mind that I was escorted/stalked by a bigfoot.

    5. I'm returning to the area this weekend for the first time in over a year.

    6. I don't think it is an unsolved mystery. The experience confirmed for me what I already suspected that these creatures are very real.

    7. I wish I had controlled my emotions better. If I could go back and do the entire thing over again, I would have stayed calm and attempted to interact with the creature if possible as it seemed to be interested in the four guys who made up my group.

    8. It's size. I've never seen something so large in my life. Also, its ability to smoothly and effortlessly navigate the forest was notable as well.

    9. As I've recounted the experience with more seasoned investigators and people more knowledgeable than me on the nature of the species I've been encouraged to receive confirmation that its behavior was typical of other experiences.

    10. The encounter has emboldened me to share my knowledge in the existence of these creatures with others...and frankly, it's made me less concerned with my "reputation" for being a "believer."

  2. Thank you, Tom for taking the time to share your experience. Good luck this weekend.
