Thursday, June 6, 2013


10 steps to being a successful contributor to the bigfoot community!!

It's an easy  acronym and one that is probably put to use often. K.I.S.S.=Keep it simple stupid. I'm not calling you stupid. That last letter s could have been lent to any number of words, sucka, sir, simon, soldier, sniper, sassafras, snicklefritz. I think they used stupid because you wouldn't listen as closely if they called you sassafras.

For today I'm changing the last s. For today K.I.S.S.=Keep it simple sasquatch. In an effort to keep completely unbiased I'm going to make a list of suggestions (keep it suggestive sasquatch?). Afterall, we all know in this field there are no rules. Also, I'd like to include that these suggestions are second hand. Through observation I've found that these are highly suggested activities or inactivities based on the beliefs of bigfooters  of the truthful type. I tend to agree, without being biased.

We'll start at #10 and work our way up. People like running the rules backwards. And it tends to put extra emphasis on the more important aspects. You read them last, you'll remember them first. That's not proven, just a hypothesis. Let me know how that works out.

So, without further adieu I present to you an easy to read and decipher list comprised of the most effective ways of bigfooting. I'm offering these tips for free because I want you to be successful.

#10.- Share

#9.- Do not share if you are above being questioned or offended at being questioned. Human nature tends to leave us with a feeling of void if we are given a helping of goodies and the portions are less than generous.

#8.- Tell your story

#7.- Do not tell your friend's story unless you were there and it happens to also be your story.

#6.- As hard as it may be, please refrain from fabricating your story. Believe it or not the story alone usually holds enough value without adding unnecessary embellishment.

#5.-Please, by all means share photos.

#4.- Please, for the love of bacon do not share photos.

#3.- Please for the love of photos do not tell us that Sasquatch love bacon.

#2.-Never stop asking questions.

#1. - Be good, Have fun!

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