Thursday, May 16, 2013

We Got a Gorilla for Sale!

Once again I feel as though I'm waiting and I don't know what for. Why is it so easy to let stories of this nature halt all other agenda? For me it's that way. I'm pretty sure I have an idea of what's going  on. Nothing. But I wait for the fact to be confirmed. Then once that is confirmed, enter the military helicopter and conspiracy theorists who will take up more time. And so we'll be left with however many other Bigfoot have been part of an exclusive govt. coverup, plus one. You know they won't even let us civilians have a peek?
Can't shame those who are selling, because we're buying. Whether they're selling themselves, the name bigfoot, outlandish claims or what have you.
Much respect to true researchers who actually go out into the field and spend countless hours striving to uncover this mystery. Kudos for keeping level headed (for the most part) and not allowing momentary setbacks obstruct your line of vision. 
At this point my field, as well as quite a few others, is a web. And it is tangled. I imagine once I clear away the debris I'll be left with crosshairs and again be forced to wait for something to enter my line of vision. For the love of Zack Morris I hope it's not a secondary view from the scope of someone who claims to have shot a Bigfoot.

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