The idea of these creatures existing is fascinating for some and terrifying for others. Some enjoy the research and learning aspect where others were thrust into the world of bigfoot with otherwise no warning. Imagine minding your own business while trekking through the woods one day only to stumble upon....... well, you're not really sure what you've stumbled upon. A bear? An ape? A very hairy, very tall man? Whether the encounter be short or you get a good long look, if it's not what you were expecting I wonder how that would make most people feel.
It seems to me a lot of times these people go through a bit of a phasing process. Maybe it's denial at first. Then no, they're absolutely sure that's what they've seen. So they tell a spouse, friend, coworker, sibling and maybe they're ridiculed or laughed at. The next phase may be self doubt. Maybe they try to push the idea out of their heads. Maybe they can't. Maybe the images play over in their heads daily. Maybe the thoughts cause them to lose sleep. The next phase is possibly split. Some may take:
route a.) and abandon the woods and their favorite trail for good and err on the side of caution. Not taking any chances seems like the best case and they're not up for a second round with the creature. They may still be curious, but not enough to delve any deeper.
route b.) and drop the subject completely. Afterall, their friends and family are right, they couldn't have possibly seen what they thought. They are well rounded, level headed people and it's a ridiculous thought to entertain. These people don't need anyone thinking they're insane.
route c.) and move on full speed ahead sifting through whatever information they can find pertaining to what they are certain they saw. While also level headed they are more curious and can't dismiss the fact.
Regardless which route individuals choose I'd guess it's a struggle. How do you come to terms with witnessing something that doesn't exist?
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