If you'd like to answer the questions you may do so in numbered answers. I thank you.
1. Were your intentions to set out to find or have an encounter with a Bigfoot, or was it a surprise?
2.Whether you were searching for the creature or your sighting was a complete surprise, was it love at first sight? Or would you use a different term to describe your sighting?
3. If you answered No to #2 what term(s) would you use to describe your feeling(s)?
4. If you had doubts about what you were witnessing, how long did those doubts last? a).Seconds, b).minutes, c).days, d.)years?
5. Have you since returned to the area of your encounter?
6. Do you feel as though your encounter is an unsolved mystery within your life that you'd like to see solved?
7. Upon mental playback of your encounter is there anything you wish you had done differently?
8. Do certain aspects of the creature itself or your surroundings stick out more than others?
9. Have any aspects of your encounter changed or become more relevant since the initial happening?
10. Do you find that the circumstances surrounding your encounter have been a).helpful, b).harmful or c).neither pertaining to everyday life or your overall well being?
There is no rhyme or reason to this line of questioning. Just a very broad survey.
*Protection orders may be applied for and will be promptly denied. There is currently no system in place to report or file grievance against a Bigfoot who may have abused you physically, mentally, emotionally or otherwise.